About Granny Pink

My Story –

or rather:  How a “by chance” meet with a hen party and a stag party on a train journey inspired me!

Life has many stages but we are only ever taught about the school stage, the growing up stage, building a career stage and the finding a partner settling down stage. During all these stages, there are many presents, gifts and tokens bought and given to celebrate each mile stone we reach. However, we don’t seem to talk or teach or celebrate the world of possibilities once we reach the ‘post career’ stage aka ‘retirement’ and beyond stage.

It feels like we become disconnected, in a way, from the rest of the stages.

I might be old and retired on paper, but when I look in the mirror, I found myself thinking, ‘What’s this young person doing in this old body?’

And that’s when it hit me –  I might be of the older generation, but I, my friends and many others of my age are still full of life and to show this, I dyed my hair Bright Pink to make a statement that ‘I am still here and I am still full of life!’

After dying my hair pink, life started to get interesting again because people took notice.  Kids took notice.  Strangers stopped me in the street and asked to have their photo taken with me.  Travelling to Scotland on a train once, I was even asked by a stag party AND a hen party to join their frivolities.

By being different, I started to become visible and connected with the other generations once more.

Now, I may be the wrong side of 70 but still the right side of 80, but my passion for living is still as vibrant as my hair and I believe its never too late to start living again!

So meet my family and I start to explore with them on how we can all live longer, healthier and stress free.  We will be sharing our experiences as well as our findings.  We are not medical people nor medically trained, but just ordinary people on a mission to try and start showing those products, fads and lifestyles which do truly help and are effective and hopefully, you will get to see the results as you watch us on our journey.

Lots of Love

Granny Pink.