Essential oils are concentrated plant extracts that retain the natural smell and flavor, or “essence,” of their source. Essential oils can be inhaled or diluted and applied to the skin. They are not meant to be swallowed and can interact with your body in several ways. Health claims regarding essential oils are often exaggerated, and evidence to support those claims can be lacking. Sometimes, these claims can be quite controversial.

The essential oils that I am interested in have been researched and documented. Volunteers were exposed to certain essential oils being used in a diffuser for 6 months, 2 hours a night while sleeping. They did better in a memory test than others who had not been exposed to the pleasant smells, which suggests that smelling pleasant scents could stimulate the brain in a way that protects against memory loss.

These 7 essential oils are rosemary, lavender, rose, orange, eucalyptus, lemon, and peppermint. According to Professor Michael Yassa of The University of California, “The olfactory sense has the special privilege of being directly connected to the brain’s memory circuits via the limbic system. All other senses are routed first through the thalamus.”

An MRI scan showed better functioning brain pathways in these volunteers, in a pathway that deteriorates with aging and has been linked to memory. It suggests that this could be an easy technique for strengthening memory and potentially protecting against dementia.

Research in 2012 first showed the stimulating effects of rosemary oil and how it impacts mood states as well as brain activity and the autonomic nervous system.

A study in 2016 using spearmint essential oil mixed with rosemary essential oil had beneficial effects on learning and memory, as well as brain tissue markers of oxidation that occur with age. It also helped people with early-stage dementia.

Rosemary oil in a 2018 study on children confirmed that rosemary could help focus and memory, potentially boosting memorization at school.

I started using a diffuser with peppermint oil and rosemary oil during the day. I found that it helped my partner, who has vascular dementia, to be slightly more focused and alert. For me, I found that my memory was improving and that I was more alert.



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